Ngā Hoa Tautoko | Our Donors & Supporters
2022 Hiringa Schools Course Celebration held in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland.
Growth and change are two realities that we encourage all our students to embrace whilst on course. So, when, as an organisation, we enter a period of growth and change we look to lean in and embrace the opportunity.
As a team we grew and relocated to Auckland to support the next phase for Outward Bound, operating two schools in Anakiwa and the Coromandel.
We had our most significant year of fundraising to date with $7,556,502 in scholarship and foundation funding and $8.5 million donated and pledged for the Coromandel school.
We are humbled, grateful, and honoured to have the incredible support of our donor community. Outward Bound simply would not exist without you.
Karla PaotonuKaitohu KaitautokoFundraising & Partnerships Manager
Pictured: Youth Activate course, April 2023
This year marks the third year of partnership with the Lindsay Foundation, supporting young people with disabilities through Youth Activate, an eight-day course for 16 – 18 year olds and MBS Activate an eight day course for 13 – 16 year olds with a parent or caregiver.
Founded in 2018 by Brendan and Jo Lindsay, the Foundation works in partnership with organisations to make a positive difference in New Zealand. Focus areas include animal welfare, children, disabilities, and health.
Our focus and vision is clear. We have a passion for positive change. We support like-minded organisations who want to be part of the solution, care for their communities, and create programmes that are effective and deliver great outcomes.
Andrew Higgott - CEO, Lindsay Foundation
Outward Bound’s Diversity & Inclusion Partner Leonie King acknowledges that the opportunities for young people with disabilities to experience personal development through physical activity and outdoor adventure are often limited. “Many of the young people who come on Outward Bound’s Youth Activate or Activate Leaps & Bounds courses experience significant firsts. Often it is the first time they have travelled away from home independently.
For some, it is the first time they have swum in the sea, sailed a cutter, slept in a tent, or spent a night alone in the bush, and for many, the first time they have had the opportunity to form friendships with other young people with disabilities.”
“For whanau, seeing their young person thrive from an independent experience with unfamiliar people gives confidence to offer further opportunities for growth.”
Leonie is immensely thankful to the generous support of the Lindsay Foundation which enables young people to take part in the Youth Activate course fully funded.
Young people like Joshua Rae who took part on Youth Activate in Huria watch 700, can experience the life-changing journey that Outward Bound offers.
"I was really proud of myself doing things that challenged me physically, but I also discovered that I am a better leader than I ever thought I was. I usually hang back when I’m in a group situation, but during the course when I was told to lead, I did it and was good.
The skills I learned will help with my role in the school leadership team and also with volunteering for St John Youth. I would definitely recommend anyone to go to Outward Bound. It was different to what I expected, but in a good way." - Joshua Rae, Youth Activate (pictured)
Celia O’Driscoll, Adviser – Wellington & Hawke’s Bay at Halberg Foundation, took part on Joshua’s course in the important role of support worker. Her first time in this role, she felt incredibly inspired by the boost in the confidence of students that she witnessed on course.
Pictured: Youth Activate students, April 2023
“I had the pleasure of going along as a support worker to the Youth Activate Course this year. What a remarkable experience. The impact this course has on the confidence and well-being of these young people is next level.
Every day they had to step out of their comfort zone and experience new challenges and adventures that tested them both inside and out. Time and time again we saw participants challenge their negative perceptions around their own physical abilities by pushing limits and achieving things they didn’t think possible.
Eight months later, and the participants and their whānau are still talking about the vast impact that their time in Anakiwa has had on their lives. Special mention to the amazing instructors who create and nurture such a safe and supportive environment in which everyone can thrive and explore their potential.”
Celia O’DriscollAdviser - Wellington & Hawke's BayHalberg Foundation
Outward Bound CE Malindi MacLean is emphatic about how support from the Lindsay Foundation is vital in creating opportunities for our disabled youth.
"You can’t help but feel the passion for making a difference that extends from Brendon and Jo Lindsay when you meet them. They are such warm, genuine, and generous people. We are grateful that they consider our work opens a pathway for participation and success for young people with disabilities."
Over the past six decades, our mission has remained steadfast – to inspire personal and collective growth through outdoor education, encouraging individuals to discover their true potential while fostering a deep connection to the environment.
The "60 Native Trees for 60 Years" initiative is a testament to the enduring legacy of our alumni & supporters who have been the pillars of our organisation.
To mark our six decades in New Zealand, a group of wonderful donors generously sponsored the planting of 60 native trees in Anakiwa. These trees symbolize not only our commitment to the environment, but also the lasting legacy of those who believe in our mission.
These commemorative native trees will, in time, form part of the support system for the future ropes course and provide opportunity and challenge for generations of Outward Bound course participants.
The support for these native trees also enabled 14 deserving young leaders to experience Outward Bound for themselves on our one-off 60th Anniversary 21-day course this year. These scholarship recipients came from all over New Zealand and are all dedicated to making a positive impact on their communities – without the financial support from our donors, Outward Bound would not have been possible for them.
An emphasis on personal development wove its way throughout the course with values, teamwork, service, conflict resolution and leadership lessons along being an important part of equipping the group to return to their communities to share their learnings.
As we mark this incredible milestone, we extend our deepest gratitude to our donors, whose generosity has allowed us to continue inspiring individuals to become more resilient, compassionate, and environmentally conscious.
The 60 Native Trees for 60 Years initiative and the 60th Anniversary 21-Day Course represent a legacy of growth, both for our organisation and for those who have supported us. With your continued support, we are excited to embrace the future with open arms and work together to create a better world for all.
We look forward to the next 60 years, and we are committed to continuing our mission of fostering personal and collective growth through outdoor education, with a consistent focus on environmental sustainability.
“You have helped me to become more in tune with who I am, and that will help me exponentially. I hope to use what I have gained to help push others towards similar realisations.” – Will, 19
“If I can summarise the experience in one word it would be transformative. I will forever be grateful for the scholarship you provided me, as without this I would not have had the opportunity to do this course… Please know that this gift will be one that keeps on giving as I progress in my life and achieve my goals with a stronger mindset and motivation.” – Cory, 18
“This course has been an epic step in my journey and has really shown me my strengths and weaknesses in reality and has provided tools for my life moving forward that would be hard to gain anywhere else. You have given me such a lifelong gift that will never be taken for granted… Initially I wasn't sure if I was strong enough and smart enough to lead, especially in big groups, but now I have no doubt - my trust in myself is deeper than ever before.” – Abigail, 23